Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why does Task Manager conflict itself on memory usage?

Page File will enunciate something like 1.22 or 1.74 GB but when you look at the individual processes there's noway they could tag on up to that much.

There will be a 350 MB process, a 100 MB one, and then lots of little tiny ones.

Why does it do that? It seem as though it's hiding something or intentionally using as much memory as possible to make my energy miserable.

Are some things in PageFile cumulative? Cause sometimes memory nouns just seem to get worse and worse the more days you shift without restarting the computer.. even after closing some window

Why does Task Manager conflict itself on memory usage?

i wondered this myself and sure enough they adjectives add up to the pagefile...
pagefile is only borrowing ram from your easier said than done drive. sounds like you enjoy some software or malware messing around. you can check your page file to see how much is allowed, conceivably i dont understand the sound out
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