Friday, September 17, 2010

Why does my cpu freeze while playing yahoo pool?

Hi, just now i started playing yahoo pool, ( i use to play 2-3 years ago also when java wasn't introduced). Neways, the first 2-3 min goes resourcefully. i can play with no fill, then suddenly i sign up ppls game and when they boot me my cpu freezes, and it take abouit 1-2 min to come back to my desktop.

i Have no spyware or nething close to that but the specs of my cpu are

Compaq 800MHZ amd duron processor 768 memmory (sdram), 40.0Gb hardrive, Nvidia geforce mx4000, and win xp home edition. I have the hottest java and do defrag/clean my cpu daily, so why does this problem evolve? Is it that my cpu is too slow to handle java applications or is it something else?

Why does my cpu freeze while playing yahoo pool?

i play alot of yahoo pool, the times i have the most difficulties was as you would expect on dial-up, is that your case?...also you are on the right track suspecting a slow processor at culpability, i know yahooo pool takes a ample chunk of it, but you have plenty RAM to compensate...hmmmm....maybe your ISP, possibly yahoo servers, maybe your slow processor, hmmm...
powerfully, think if you disabled one or two other running programs you dont want at the time, it might help
all right it depends how much RAM ur running most standard ps's are running 512 mb of ram which is only just enough to run multiple programs at once.. try getting more RAM or adjectives off programs since u play pool. hope this helped

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