Tuesday, September 21, 2010

why does my grand piano sometimes get disabled when i switch my computer on?

I cant do anything, i own to restart it again!

why does my grand piano sometimes get disabled when i switch my computer on?

Poor connection I don`t know.

Mostly on Desktop computers----

DUST collects inside computers, and can cause hardware wreck,

overheating, faulty fan, faulty drives ----Is yours verbs??


Some pictures
my daughter often disables my touch wad even though she has her own password protected computer on my PC , check the icon at the bottom of your page and see if you can enable it near .
This just happen to me and I find that my computer usually acts up when my Sympatico Anti Virus is doing updates. Which is almost each day and it takes longer to achieve into web sights when they are doing this. They also don't permit you know till they are almost finished that this is going on, which is really frustrating.

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